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Gratitude Reinforces And Nurtures Dreams (The GRAND STAND)

Lauren Wulz About Choices Seminars Community Tags: CSL Dallas Equest giving is receiving Gratitude joy Law of Circulation spirituality

Engaging in conversations with the people that have inspired me the most throughout my life, I have noticed several patterns. What was it that inspired them to create, to be the light for someone else, to teach, preach, invent, paint or give in such a way that would make a positive and lasting impression on others’ lives?  So often, the answer is quite simply, they wanted to pay it forward, to give back in a meaningful way. Their lives had been blessed or touched somewhere—somehow along the way and they felt Gratitude. Gratitude was the power behind their dreams, the force that reinforced those dreams and nurtured them along the way. This is exactly how my dream for Life Is Grand evolved.

I met a man who was different than any other I had ever dated. I had been chanting mantras (given to me by my stepdad upon my request). Specific mantras to help me manifest a “Godly male life partner and a new beginning.” When I met my husband, that is exactly what I got! A spiritual, loving man who offered me a new beginning. It was because of his communication skills that I ended up attending Choices Seminars, and that is where I was able to work through hidden issues. I learned that it was okay and safe for me to allow myself to be vulnerable. I learned to be grateful for even the simplest things like “finding the cool side of the pillow.”  Choices Seminars reinforces and nurtures the dreams of every person who walks through those doors.

It was because of our mutual deep desire for continued spiritual growth that Steve and I discovered Center for Spiritual Living here in Dallas.  We took classes and met new and wonderful friends. We became inspired by the teachings and philosophy of Science of Mind, and were mesmerized quite often by Rev Dr. Petra Weldes. With deep gratitude we began tithing and wanted to continue to support our Spiritual home and community. CSL Dallas reinforces and nurtures the dreams of each of its members, who spread that same joy and gratitude out in the world.

We decided to go on a Peace Retreat with a group of 24 fellow CSL members to Costa Rica, and that is where I met my third inspiration. I have been dreaming of Life Is Grand for some time, and on the second day of our journey en route to the United Nations University for Peace, I met Susan. Susan explained to me that she had founded Equest. We became close friends immediately, and I knew the joy and gratitude that Equest spreads to the children who ride there. If you should ever be so lucky as to witness the expression on these children’s faces, you will know the true meaning of gratitude. These children are not stuck in victimhood; they are truly empowered and grateful for this experience and therapy. Equest reinforces and nurtures their dreams.

Life is GRAND is dedicated to all those living in gratitude, spreading gratitude and the incredibly powerful butterfly effect that reinforces and nurtures a world of dreams…


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